
Want to reach the Technade reader community ? Technade is now offering advertising opportunities!
This site features an audience who have the passion for softwares and Technology . My mission is to offer resources and information on softwares, as well as providing the latest information on the web and help my readers become more Techsavy .

Site Statistics

Eventhough I registered fivepointsome1 long back , I am active in Blogging since January 07 . As Technade approaches 2 years , we are doing pretty much good in terms of traffic and ranking. Recently I added new domain to my blog . So the below statistics are for the previous domain i.e .
  • Best Google PageRank : 4
  • Best Technorati Rank: 55k
  • RSS Subscribers:375 ( Note that its increasing very fast )
  • Daily search engine traffic : 700 - 850 views
You can contact me if you want more information on statistics .


If you are looking to launch a new product or service, or are just looking to get some extra exposure, advertising with Technade is the best way .
They’re currently three slots to advertise in Technova :
- 125*125 graphic in sidebar or 375*125 rectangular slot (site wide ad)
-468-60 banner on itempages (above and below the post)
Animation is allowed as long as flash is not involved. The 125*125 rectangular slot is available for 50 $ a month and the 375*125 slot is available for 120$ a month .468*60 is set at 50$ a month .
- Featured Text Links -
I have a total of four featured text links available. These links will be located in the “Featured Sites” section of the sidebar just above the recent hits and will be seen by readers on every page of this website. Currently these four spots are available for $10.00 a month.

Payment Information

Technade reserves the right to approve sponsoring websites. Advertising plans are agreed to on a month-to-month basis. Either party may terminate the relationship by providing 15 days notice.
For clarification on location of the advertisement, or to proceed with an action plan, please contact me
All funds will be exchanged using Paypal.