This simple tweak can increase your traffic from search engines . Most of the templates you find will display your blog title on the browsers title bar also . This won't attract your blog visitors . So how to change your blog title to post title ?? In search results if your blog is featured , still it will the results as "Blog title + Post Title " . E.g Technova - How to save youtube videos ? . What if the result is shown as Post "Title + Blog Title" ?? E.g How to save youtube videos ? - Technova ....Sounds cool na!! Lets see How to make this ??
For classic blogger template users :
Sign in to blogger Dashboard --> Template --> Edit HTML
Find <title> <$BlogTitle$> </title>
and replace it with
<title> Your main page Title
<$BlogItemTitle$> - Site Name (Optional)
For new widget based XML template users :
Go to Blogger ---> Template --> Edit HTML
Find <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>
Replace the above with
<!-- Start Technova: Changing the Blogger Title Tag -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<b:section id='titleTag'>
<b:widget id='Blog2' locked='false' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'>
<b:includable id='comments' var='post'/>
<b:includable id='postQuickEdit' var='post'/>
<b:includable id='main' var='top'><title><b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'><b:include data='post' name='post'/></b:loop> ~ <data:blog.title/></title></b:includable>
<b:includable id='backlinkDeleteIcon' var='backlink'/>
<b:includable id='feedLinksBody' var='links'/>
<b:includable id='backlinks' var='post'/>
<b:includable id='status-message'/>
<b:includable id='feedLinks'/>
<b:includable id='nextprev'/>
<b:includable id='commentDeleteIcon' var='comment'/>
<b:includable id='post' var='post'><data:post.title/></b:includable>
<!-- End Technova: Changing the Blogger Title Tag -->
I hope this simple trick will help you get more visitors from search engines .Try this . It really works .
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Hi, Subhash.I've left a message informing you that I've added your link at my blog, but not sure if it get to your email.So, here I am, telling you about the link
Hi Subhash. I still can't get this hack working on my blogs. After saving it, I can save anything on Page Element whenever I added something.
Any idea how to get around this hack?
That's all for now. Hope to hear from you soon.
Greetings and lotta loves from Malaysia.
I have added code but it says b-section cannot come in head section. need help
same here...
"I have added code but it says b-section cannot come in head section. need help"
any one there to ans....
Try this..
great article admin
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