Map my India :- I happened to listen this word from one of my friend who recommended this when I was searching for some location on wikimapia . He said he felt it better to search on this website as it has some advanced features than wikimapia.
What features does Map My India have ?
Maps : You can search for any location in India using their interactive search . Im pleased to see how they present their website . They detailed each and everything. Even in the search box you can see a Example being presented. In search results again one can find three different answers. One is found results for item you typed , second is similar results which it intelligently finds other places whose names are related to the one you searched and all and then the required directions .One can even find the restaurants , banks , hotels and all in the near by locality of your search.These directions and local search are available as tabs in the search script on the left.
Elocation : One more distinct feature of this network . To use this features , one can register on the website and then can share the phone number and adress of some hotel , restaurant and all . This one is separately tabbed which prevents the users from messing up the original maps just like in wikimapia.Once you have a account , you can guide the other users and give them directions .
For webmasters :
They even have one more good feature . One can print or email any particular map or directions to anyone using this . For webmasters , you can map enable it by using our youtube-style embeddable maps, and links to specific searches (of maps, directions, local and eLocation) on MapmyIndia. You can read about these free services here>>
I think these kind of interactive portals really help the users . If you know any other website that provides maps , tell others by posting in comments .
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