
How to get your orkut scraps in a RSS feed ??

Orkut , The Indian Myspace is increasing its share of market day by day.The feature which people use the most inside Orkut is scrapping.Scrapping is nothing but sending short messages to the friends in their profiles.But people are using them repeatedly for chatting these days when both of the users stay online.[ May be this might had sounded stupid but people do this to increase their scraps by refreshing the page. ].Refreshing your page again and again to check your scraps might be frustrating to most of you [ still I know you have to do that ].What If you have something which checks your profile page regularly for scraps ???

I think most of you might had heard about feeds and live bookmarks.For those who don't know , feeds help us in reading blogs and web pages without opening them by displaying the content in the text format by auto refreshing themselves.You need not open the web page every time to check the latest updates.Instead you just have to check your feed.Multiple pages can be checked using a feed reader like Google feedreader.

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So how to get your scraps in your RSS feed ???

NGcoders has written a small PHP script which allows you to convert your orkut scraps into a RSS feed when you provide a special URL.

All you have to do is to use the URL given below and replace the {uid} with your userid.


User ID is the parameter you see in the address bar when you click your scrapbook or other features in your profile as rouned in the fig.

E.g : http://www.indian-tv.com/orkut.php?uid=1082015561011146096.The best thing with this feed is you need not login every time into orkut to check your scraps.

Now subscribe to this feed and check you scraps through the feed.

If you have more tips & tricks , send me along with your link , so that I can link you.


Trên thế giới có nhiều loại đông trùng hạ thảo, có loại đông trùng hạ thảo rất quý như đông trùng hạ thảo tây tạng của Việt Nam ở nước chúng ta. Đông trùng hạ thảo là loại có dưỡng chất tốt nhất.
cửa hàng đông trùng hạ thảo hàn quốc quận 1
cửa hàng đông trùng hạ thảo hàn quốc quận 2
cửa hàng đông trùng hạ thảo hàn quốc quận 3

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