Got a blog ?? Wanna turn it into some widget to display on other sites ?? Im actually looking for this kind of thing since a longtime and I found it.So i wanna share this with you
Widgetbox , a widget providing website has got something in its cart for you.They call it Blidgets , i.e a blog widget.I put a sample of my blog widget on my proxy website , Many article.You can have a preview there.
The blidget is available in two different formats .one vertical sidebar and another square have a choice of colours also.You can choose the colour which suits with the site ,where you are going to install can list your blog widget in the widget box directory so that others can display it on their sites and rate thee widget.You have options of displaying just the headlines or even the articles.In my proxy site,I am just displaying the headlines.
All you need to do is register in widget box and go to blidget option in the rightside pane or through this link , and make a custom widget for your blog from the different options they offer on get widget once you choose the required options, and choose java script or flash based script from the dialogue box that pops up.Now paste the code in your website and you are done.You can also promote your widget using a badge which is shown in the about me column of this page.
Now make a widget of your website and get more traffic from other sites.If you want your widget to be displayed on My proxy website , you have to put my blogwidget on your blog.Once you are done tell me and Ill display your widget on my website.
i have successfully done the widget thing but its a huge banner. i wanted a button instead. but anyways thanks for sharing the information. it works good.
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