
Free Office software : Microsoft Office alternatives

Don't want to waste your money by investing on Office software ?? Got bored of the traditional Microsoft Office ? Wanna try something new ?? Here by I'm listing free office software for you who are the most widely known MS office alternatives .

OpenOffice : OpenOffice is so far the best one in the free office software category. It's a free office suite that includes a word processor and spreadsheet, presentation, and database applications. It's available for computers running Microsoft Windows and Unix operating systems. This application suite is widely known as OpenOffice, but the official name is openoffice.org b'coz of some copyright issues . The only drawback with OpenOffice is the lack of technical support. You'need to rely on the kind techsavy people in online forums if you run into problems and Openoffice might appear a bit sluggish to you when you switch from MS office to Openoffice .

IBM Lotus Symphony : IBM also entering the cyberware with its new free office software Lotus Symphony . Lotus Symphony is a set of applications for creating, editing, and sharing word processing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Designed to handle the majority of tasks that end users perform, Lotus Symphony supports the Open Document Format (ODF) giving organizations the ability to access, use, and maintain their documents over the long term without concern about end of life uncertainties or ongoing software licensing and royalty fees. Lotus Symphony can convert documents, spreadsheets, and presentations types into Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF) files. No additional licenses are required. To check the file formats supported by Lotus Symphony , check this FAQ page .

Staroffice : Sun Microsystems is offering Staroffice for 70$ but Google also is offering StarOffice for download as part of its Google Pack. (Instead of charging the $70 per copy that Sun has levied for StarOffice, Google made StarOffice available for free.) . You can download Google pack from the sidebar of my blog .

Also check : Free online photo editors .

If you are just looking for free word processor , you can try Abiword .

If you know any other office softwares or applications that are free , please post them as comment .

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