Is there any internet user in the world that don't use Google ?? No will be the answer . Google is into your life in someway or other . Google always creates some pages and logos for different occasions which we leave unnoticed most of the time . But most of them are really cool . I found some of them and Im posting the links here .
Google Hearts : play with the hearts .
Google Beta logo : I hope you never saw this before .
Google Britney : See how much Google cares about Britney Spears . lol
Google Holiday : All the holiday logos of Google at one place .
Google fan logos : Some cool logos of Google created by its fans .
Google fool : How Google fooled on April Fool 's day 2000 .
Google Newsletter Archive :Missed a copy of the Google Friends Newsletter? On this page you can find all of the editions we've published previously
Google statistics on 9/11/01 : See the Google search statistics on 9/11/01 .
Google Mother : Google shows you what a mother is .
Google official : Official logos of Google
Google knows what it is : Google in languages which no one understand .
Google query : How to make good queries with Google .
Google zeitgeist : Search patterns , trends and surprises .
Hmm I think I compiled a good list . You know any other Good link ?? Post them as comment so that my readers can know more .
Does Google web accelerator really increases your surfing speed ?
Google sky ?
What else can you do with Google ?
How to do Google search from Command line ?
How to send .exe on Gmail ?
Google pranks !!
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try the elmer fudd google page. Just "google" it, and you'll find the link. :)
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try pacman google, epic google, and weenie google.
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