Wanna play some game at your workplace computer with out installing ??? Here by Im listing some online game portals which provide games online.
Zapak : This new kid on the block offers online single and multiplayer gaming and is advertising itself as Indi's no1 portal.You just need to register yourself for playing the game and for getting acess to the following feature
- Single and multiplayer gaming
- Mail service with unlimited storage
- Zapak girls - online girls hangout
- Zapak TV - online funky video sharing
Indiatimes games :Offers trailors ,reviews and demos of games.It even features online webbased games in the following categories
Action/adventure,Arcade,card,puzzle and multiplayer games.
You need to signup for playing the games.
Kaboom game portal : Kaboom offers games in all categories as the above sites.Kaboom also conducts tournaments among its players and publishes the leaderboard also and awards some loyalty pods to the winners of challenges.
Orbit games : Orbit games offers all arcade games,puzzles and all.Flash based site
If you know anysite which offer free online webbased games,don't forget to post as comment.If you like the post subscribe here or click here to get email updates.
hi, just for you know, there is another webbased games at http://illuvia.co.tv
they serve more than 300 new games daily!
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